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Pursue Personal & Company Growth

Pursue personal and company growth

Across the spectrum, business leaders agree that happy employees are productive employees. And with good cause. Recent research from the University of Warwick (Coventry, England) reveals that when companies invest in employee satisfaction, the rewards are bountiful. At Google, employee satisfaction rose by nearly 40% when the company implemented initiatives geared toward satisfaction and happiness.

With this research in mind, what steps should business leaders take to ensure their employees’ happiness? After all, when happy employees are productive employees, everybody wins: employees, leadership, and, of course, clients. How do we cultivate a happy, productive environment — one that motivates employees to work creatively, collaboratively and effectively? At MECCO, we believe that such an environment is sustained through a commitment to our Core Behavior #7: Pursue Personal and Company Growth.

Be Humble. Be Teachable. And Always Keep Learning.

At MECCO, we believe that growth is a constant process, one that must be nurtured. So how do we ensure that each member of our team has the proper tools to grow? Answer: by inspiring them to stay curious and expect more.

Our two-pronged approach to pursuing personal and company growth begins with an unquenchable “thirst for learning.” We encourage each member of the MECCO team to be eager and open to learning, and to apply those lessons in personal and professional development.

Rose GeorgeSales Engineer Rose George shares how MECCO has supported her thirst for learning since she joined the company earlier this year. “I’m a member of Women in Manufacturing, a professional organization of women in our industry. Since day one at MECCO, the leadership here has encouraged my participation in the organization.” George goes on to note that MECCO’s support of her active membership in Women in Manufacturing allows her to obtain key learnings that she brings back to her role at our company. “The team here supports not only my personal and professional growth, but the opportunity to network and make new connections, as well.”

Engage and Elevate.

The second prong of our approach to pursuing personal and company growth is to “raise the bar.” We ask that our team members look at every opportunity as a way to deliver and exceed expectations.

Ian Conaway

Ian Conaway, an Engineering Manager who has been a member of the MECCO family since the start of his career 13 years ago, shares a unique opportunity that has spurred his growth as a leader. “Two years ago, our President and CEO Dave Sweet invited me to join Vistage. It’s been a tremendous opportunity for me to grow.” As the world's leading advisory and executive coaching organization, Vistage is designed to help its members improve their leadership skills, grow their business base, and share valuable insights with each other.  “Since joining Vistage, I’m learning that as leaders, we all face similar challenges and opportunities,” says Conaway. “It’s been incredibly helpful for me to bring that knowledge and insight back to MECCO and put it to work for our team and our clients.”

We think that Harvey S. Firestone, the late entrepreneur behind the esteemed Firestone Tire Company, summed it up best. “The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.” By staying committed to personal and company growth, we put Firestone’s simple yet ingenious words of leadership into practice every day.

Curious for more insights about our culture? Check back in two weeks when we delve into Core Behavior #8: Design for Success.

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